Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm making it up

This year, before Superbowl weekend I saw a great show on Superbowl of the presenters, whom I cannot name, made Cuban Sandwiches. Now this was not your typical Cuban loaded with a variety of meats, but a real roast your pork, Swiss cheese, sliced dills, good mustard and toast your bread kind of recipe. For the life of me I cannot find it so I am making it up.

What I do remember is the pork roast gets rubbed with a generous amount of ground cumin, a staple in my house as we visit the DeKalb Farmer's Market each Thanksgiving weekend and stock up for the coming year, thank you Lisa and Joel!!

The roast then goes to the slow cooker in 1 can of chicken stock and 1 cup of orange juice. Roasted on low until it falls apart! Today, because of a blog at the Winged Messenger, I added red beans. Tonight we will have succulent Cubans, and red beans ready for rice or grits for later in the week.

A weekend without demands

It is a lovely beginning fall weekend. The dogwoods are redding out, and the china berry is also turning crimson. The butterfly bushes are in there last blooming providing a few more weeks of food to the hummingbirds.

Ron is vacuuming the sun porch out.

I have been going through little piles and started the Christmas lists, as I have already decided what to give to some, already purchased for others....and this year, I would like not to have a surprise when I get to the Christmas hideaway and found I forgot to deliver an item.

I made the the next reservation for the trip to KS. and this time I will fly into Wichita, rent a car and make the three hour? trip west. Last month I was able to fly into Tulsa and ride with Patty, what fun.

We did get all of us home, Peg came on Monday not Sunday as her plane was grounded for repairs.

We all met to help our parents make the move to assisted living. We have downsized them considerably and Oct. 3 is the auction of primarily my father's welding business.
My youngest sister Susan still lives in Dodge, and she informs me with two grand-babies there-they may be there for a long time to come, but she has carried the load for many years.

Susan helped Dad choose a place. It was important to us to be sure they have balanced meals and someone to check that mom takes her medications correctly. So after our first blitz, our folks moved into their new place a few days after we left. Our dad has had a minor surgery this last week and seems to be doing very well.

Well the weather is calling us...we will start closing in one of the sun porch sets of sliding windows this weekend and hopefully get the dry wall up next. The goal is to reclaim the space from the cat and have a place to sun all of us during the colder months.