Saturday, June 28, 2008


I am a clumsy person...always have been. My sisters used to say "she can't chew gum and walk". This last winter I fell three times. I was in extreme discomfort, but the Dr. said I just needed some physical therapy and with a few exercises from a friend who is a physical therapist, I was making progress, and the pain had been relieved.

There are a number of people working in the stone studio in Roanoke County. Some are ladies my age, not young but not too old. There was a discussion about an exercise program by Teresa Tapp. One lady, purchased Teresa Tapp's Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes the web site is Others at the studio say she looks as if she is slimming down. She said, she wasn't sure she looked better, but she felt better. I have this collection of weight loss, diet, and exercise books, but I was convinced to go get the book. What is amazing, with two weeks of occasional use..I can see over my left shoulder to check oncoming traffic. Worth the purchase price? Oh yeah!


anilia said...

Congratulations on the movement improvement!! Are they exercises you can take with you when you are traveling this month?

Mom A said...

Yes they are. I bought the book and had it spiral bound so it is easy to follow through. All though, I am still trying to get through the 15 minute series!

Casey Leigh said...

Just wanted to say "hello". I came across your blog today and I'm a fellow T-Tapper.

I'm glad to hear about your improvement with looking over your shoulder. T-Tapp has helped me with that as well (after a neck injury from a car accident). It's a wonderful program!

Mom A said...


I have multiple years of broken bones, injured shoulders, and I am beginning to be hopeful with T-Tapps program! Best to you!