Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Family Docs

The following paragraphs are about my health and looking for a good doc. You are welcome not to read them. But I have been encouraged by the field of medical practices finding out that a long time friend's son is in a family practice in the middle of the nation, and that my ride-share commuting partner is about to finish his first year in school, and plans to open a family practice here in Southwest VA.

I am experimenting with a new doc. for me. Ron has been going to him for some time. And was referred to the doc after it was determined that the old ceiling tiles Ron took out of his office, were really asbestos containing and he was required to have a check up. You know Ron, he liked the doc and told them he would not put his clothes on and leave until the doc agreed to take him as a new patient. This doc had closed his practice to new comers...but gauging Ron's determination decided to take him with the caveat no kids, no wife! Ron sees the doc maybe once a year.

For myself, I have been happy with my blood specialist from the beginning. I schedule my appointments at the end of the day. Once my blood counts stabilized, I have been an easy keeper for the doc. We spend more time finding out how his kids are doing and what project I am working on after going through my blood work.

Just before I quit working in Giles, my family practitioner's husband was relocated for a job and she closed her practice, so I floated through numerous local clinics. In my disgust over another year of rushing in and out of a dr's office and no one listening -I asked Ron if he thought there was anyway I could get in to see his doc. So while I was in Baton Rouge visiting Erica, Kent, Dean and Jack the call came. " When you get home, call and make an appointment."

So a week ago Friday I did the blood work, Monday I did some of the tests...I made a list of all the complaints...and with the suggestions and recommendations, and prescription provided I think I may have found someone I feel is listening. There were a number of suggestions outside areas that I had considered, there were confirmations of things I had researched and believed to be true and needing to be addressed. I cannot tell you how relieved I am to have finally found someone who is listening to me, valued my observations, and made suggestions that seem sensible.

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